Does your website not show you're the leader in your field?

Is your website failing to generate leads?

We’ve transformed 2000+ small business websites into trust-building & modern lead generators.
Book a call to see your design based on data from 2k customers, for free.

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From 2 leads per year to 5 the last month

I was hesitant. But this is a no-brainer.

I've referred all my friends to WebTec.

Our website paid itself in 2 weeks

Does your website not show you're the leader in your field?

Is your website failing to generate leads?

We’ve transformed 2000+ small business websites into trust-building & modern lead generators.

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From 2 leads per year to 5 the last month

I was hesitant. But this is a no-brainer.

I've referred all my friends to WebTec.

Our website paid itself in 2 weeks

Trusted by small & well-known brands all over the world

See Our
Video Testimonials

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webtec's google reviews

See What They Say On Google.

Our Secret Sauce

Why Do People
Love Us?

No Upfront Costs
Get A Personalized Redesign Before Decision
Ideas Based On Data From 2000 Websites
Fixed Price To Prevent Incentive To Lengthen The Project
Smooth Process Built For Busy Executives
Dedicated Designer To Support You After Completion
Piece Of Cake To Modify. Tutorial Included
Unlimited Changes Included
A 5-Star SEO & Web Agency For Small & Medium Businesses

We Built the Web Agency
We Never Found.

We’re on a mission to be the coolest cats in the web game. We whip up websites so sexy you’ll want to marry them and SEO so affordable you can keep your second mortgage. 

The best part?
We make sure your site is a love magnet for customers who can’t resist your charm. So if you’re a small or mid-sized biz who wants to look good, get found, and rule the online jungle, we’re your go-to team!

webtec built the web

Success cases from members

Client success soared, exceeding expectations, showcasing our impactful solutions in action.
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webtec simplifies the web
The Quality of Marketing Giants
At The Price of Freelancers.

We Simplify
The Web.

Almost every business out there has a website. The majority of large and fast-growing companies depend on their websites. Despite the importance of a website, we couldn’t find a single website or SEO agency that focused on helping small and mid-size business in a smooth and efficient way.

It seemed like the alternatives out there were either cheap freelancers with not enough experience, or web agencies that just wanted to work with larger, higher paying clients. There was nothing for us.

The solution?
We decided to gather the best web developers, designers, SEO-experts and project managers that we could find to start a web & SEO agency that simplified web technology for busy executives. We started to build the web agency we never found.
We are Webtec.

Our Experience Is Your Advantage.

Join Thousands Of Happy Customers.

Don't Be Shy.

Ask Away!

Blazing fast loading speed is essential for a great user experience and higher ranking on Google
High-Converting Landing Page in 6 Simple Steps

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